Inspiration can come from anywhere. Something a friend says, something you see on TV – even the smallest of signs can spark a creative idea or design. This recently happened while discussing a baby shower for a woman who was having her second baby. The family was referring to the shower as a “sprinkle.”
It made us think, “what about a shower for a woman who had previously been married or had a hurried wedding?” Not every person or couple is the same. Not everyone follows the traditional path of an engaged couple on their journey to matrimony. Thus, there is always room for creative accommodations to celebrate your friend or family member during their wedding time.
Did the coronavirus ruin wedding plans? Did your sister have to have a wedding performed by the justice of the peace because of her partner’s military commitments? Maybe your brother and his fiancé decided to have a commitment ceremony while backpacking through Europe. Throw them a “sprinkle” to show your love and support and to celebrate the couple.
Because they are not a traditional entity, there is room for interpretation and customization. Sprinkle suggests something smaller, or lighter, than a shower. Put together a fun courtyard dinner for a small group at Brennan’s, have a fête in The Parlor Room at The Henry Howard Hotel, celebrate at a brunch at The Country Club or Jack Rose in The Pontchartrain Hotel.
Not everything is traditional. Plan this sweet gesture to show your support for the lovebirds in your life.
Did you have a “sprinkle” type of bridal shower? Let us know in the comments below!