A Note From Bev

What an amazing cover for the 30th anniversary of “Lark in the Park.” Thanks so much to the ever-amazing honoree Genevieve Munson Trimble and co-chairs Gayle Benson, Margo Dubos and Juli Miller Hart. You should be receiving your patron letter soon, and we don’t want you to miss this anniversary. The event will feature a wide variety of cuisine by local restaurants and caterers, as well as a “one-of-a-kind live auction.” City Park has undergone a miraculous transformation, and it’s all due to the hard work of many volunteers, but especially the efforts of the CEO of City Park, Bob Becker, and the park’s Director of Development, John Hopper. This year, Robert Lupo is the chairman of the City Park Board of Commissioners, and he has done an outstanding job. The theme of this year’s gala is “Lark Makes a Grand Entrance,” with funds from the event dedicated to the creation of a new entrance to Storyland and the Botanical Gardens at the site of the current Little Casino building. For more information and to purchase tickets, contact Susan Hudlow by calling 483-9369 or emailing

Now that the holidays are over and Mardi Gras is on the way, we have a small window of opportunity to get fit. To this end, check out our special section, “A New You for the New Year;” don’t make it a New Year’s resolution – “just do it!” In addition to fitness, take the New Year as an opportunity to re-think your beauty routine; check out our feature “Starting Out Striking” for some great ideas to get you started. We also have a feature on assisted living, “Choosing Care.” All of us will need to decide on care at some time in our lives, and there are so many wonderful local places from which to choose.

“What’s Hot” has new products that you can’t live without, from King Cake Vodka to your new favorite pair of jeans.

And, as always in January, we present you with our Registry of Charitable Events for now through April.

Part of your fitness routine should include going to Smoothie King. They have two locations on St. Charles Avenue: 1905 and 201. Lean1 is a new delicious option for all of us trying to live a healthier lifestyle, and they’re offering chocolate, vanilla and strawberry smoothies that provide 14 organic fruits and vegetables and 27 vitamins and minerals, all while helping you burn body fat up to 68 percent faster. They also help you fight hunger, tone and define lean body mass and speed recovery from workouts.

Another great find is a new store you won’t want to miss: Haute. Located at 725 Magazine St., right near the New Orleans School of Glassworks, it offers a fun shopping experience with high fashion without the high price. They carry Kate Spade and Tory Burch accessories, great fashions from Tibi, David Lerner, Bella Dahl, Black Halo and more, catering to women from college years on up. Owner Sanja Alickovic will help you find the perfect outfit for any occasion and make sure “you look haute” when you leave the store. They open at 9 a.m. on Saturdays so that you can visit after your trip to the farmers market. For more information, check out the store’s website HauteNola.com. Happy New Year and here comes Mardi Gras!

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