A Spirited Good Time!

Patrons and distinguished guests of the Save Our Cemeteries’ “All Saints Soirée” were the life of the party, quite literally. On November 19, guests donned fanciful masks and were serenaded with jazz music for this lavish fall affair for an undead cause.  

Since 1974, Save Our Cemeteries has dedicated itself to the preservation and restoration of these cemeteries, commonly known as the cities of the dead since the structures look like small versions of cities.
Co-chairwomen Edie Cagnolatti Charlton, Sarah Martzolf and Kelley Mitchell treated guests

to an unforgettable night of gourmet food, cocktails and live entertainment at the Art Deco-styled FNBC Building.

This year’s theme was “A Masked Gala,” and everyone wore a mask, with more intricate and beautiful ones sold at the auction later in the evening. Honorees of the night were Bert and Mary Beth Verdigets.  

The event started with its patron party, which featured hors d’oeuvres from Gautreau’s Restaurant and specialty cocktails from 7 on Fulton, and The Courtyard Kings serenaded guests.

Next came the gala itself with an abundance of delights to choose from by Michael’s partygoers.  

Proceeds of the event support the organization’s education and conservation programs.

Event at a Glance
What: 25th “All Saints Soiree – A Masked Gala,” benefiting Save Our Cemeteries
When: Saturday, November 19
Where: FNBC Building

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