A World of Fun to Help the World

Tiffany Truxillo, Brian McDonald, Belinda Pounders and Mike Morris

King Rusty King and Queen Arlene Rome

Buzzy Gaiennie and David and Nancy Martinez

Lorie Zylicz, Kevin Gardere and Michelle and Dan Daigle

Bruce Katz and Susan and John Firmin

Jeanne Truxillo, Suzanne Tomchuck, Alex Campagno (front), Else Pedersen and Darlene Wapegan

The Krewe of Pork and Beads and ABC26/CW38 held the 12th Annual Cochon Cotillion at Blaine Kern’s Mardi Gras World on April 12 to raise funds for Bridge House.
King Cochon, Dr. Rusty King, his queen, Arlene Rome, and their krewe paraded around their 1,000 guests to spark the festive spirit. The celebration continued with live music by the Bucktown All-Stars.

Of course, the tacky attire could be seen across the dance floor. When their dancing shoes were worn, guests and hosts alike sampled from over 45 New Orleans restaurants, including the Flaming Torch, Smitty’s Seafood and Zea’s.

Attendees included Larry Delia, Donna Bedo and Bruce Katz of ABC26, Buzzy and Barbara Gaiennie, Gregory and Suzanne Rusovich and Else and Tom Pedersen-Wasson of Bridge House.

Funds were raised through ticket sales and a silent-auction. This year’s big items were a 1939 Plymouth “Street Rod” two-door business sedan and rail car from the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad, which sold for $3,000.This year’s event raised over $235,000, adding to the almost $2 million that this event has raised over the last 11 years.

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