Author Event for Wayne Flynt’s “Afternoons with Harper Lee” Jan. 10

NEW ORLEANS (press release) – The Garden District Book Shop is thrilled to announce renowned Southern historian and author Dr. Wayne Flynt will be at the shop Jan. 10 to celebrate his latest book, “Afternoons with Harper Lee.” Imagine sitting with an esteemed writer on their front porch and exchanging life stories. Flynt had the opportunity to do just this with beloved Nelle Harper Lee.

In a friendship that blossomed over a dozen years starting when Lee relocated back to Alabama after having had a stroke, Flynt and his wife Dartie became regular visitors at the assisted living facility that was Lee’s new home. It began how it always begins with Southern storytellers, with an invitation to “Come in, sit down, and stay a while.”

Part memoir and part biography, Flynt’s  book offers a unique window into the life, mind, and preoccupations of one of America’s best-loved writers. The stories exchanged range widely over the topics of Alabama history, Alabama folklore, family genealogy, and of course American Literature. They also take many detours: talking about Huntingdon College; The University of Alabama; New York City; the United Kingdom; Garden City, Kansas; and Mobile, Alabama, to name just a few. 

The doors will open at 6:00 PM. Shortly after, Flynt will lead a short discussion and share insights  about the book and Nelle Harper Lee. Following the discussion, he will be available to greet guests and personalize copies of Afternoons with Harper Lee. Books will be available for purchase onsite.

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