Autumn Blahs

I’ve said before that I’m really not a fall person. I like Halloween, I guess, and Thanksgiving is great – but I’ll take seersucker and Pimm’s Cups over sweaters and mulled cider any day … and don’t even get me started on the pumpkin spice craze.

But I don’t actually have any say in the changing of the seasons, so I try to find things I can get excited about.

Right now, in no particular order, those things are:


1. Middle school and high school football. Both of my daughters are cheering for St. Martin’s this year, so we are at games many Thursday and Friday nights. There’s just something so deep-down wholesome about the whole thing.

2. Boots. I really only like boots because if I wear knee-high boots with a dress, I don’t have to shave my legs.

3. Tights. See above. You can wear tights under a dress and not have to shave your legs.

4. Chilis and stews and soups for dinner. I have a pumpkin and black bean soup that I like to make (even though my kids think it’s poison), and it’s basically fall personified, except without the sucky part where it gets cold.

5. Cute Pinterest-y Halloween treats that I will attempt (and fail) to make for the kids’ Halloween parties at school. Bat-wing cupcakes? Witches’ hats? Fondant skeletons? It all seems possible right now. (I will end up making candy corn cupcakes the night before the party.)

6. Babies in costumes. Costumed babies are my favorite kinds of babies.

7. Scarves? Maybe? Is 37 going to be the age at which I finally learn how to wear a scarf?

8. The end of hurricane season. The peak is over, and the risk is already dropping. Hallelujah! It’s been a rough season.  (If you can, donate to hurricane relief efforts in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico.)


I feel like I should have 10 things, but that’s how not excited I am about fall. So you get eight. Because I am definitely not including Pumpkin Spice Lattes. (They taste like melted Yankee candles.)



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