NEW ORLEANS (press release) – Lighthouse Louisiana staff and leadership celebrated the addition of a new bronze braille flag on Tuesday, March 14, at their New Orleans headquarters, 123 State St.
The flag was donated by the Blinded Veterans Association’s Louisiana/Mississippi Regional Group. Representatives of the group were on hand for the dedication.
“This American bronze braille flag has raised stars and stripes as well as the Pledge of Allegiance embossed in braille between the stripes, said Joe Burns, treasurer of the local chapter. “Our hope is to expose sighted people to how the blind and visually impaired “see” objects that are difficult to imagine by verbal descriptions.”
“We are honored to have the braille flag as a permanent part of the Lighthouse,” said Lighthouse President & CEO Dee Budgewater, BS, CPM. “It will allow our employees and customers who are blind or have low vision the opportunity to explore and appreciate the representation of our American flag.”
The braille flag will be displayed in a public area so all ages can enjoy this generous gift of the most recognized sign of freedom known throughout the world.
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