Supertunia Vista Bubblegum is a hearty petunia that can grow 16 to 24 inches tall with a three-foot spread. As such, they make for great garden fillers or hedges. The flowers are bright pink, and a light pruning after each bloom flush will keep your plant looking its best.
Supertunia Vista Bubblegum petunias are typically available in six-inch pots at garden centers. When transplanting, always plant at the original cell pack or pot depth. For multiple plants in a landscape bed, it is best to space the petunias 18 inches apart (from the center of one plant to the next). Try planting with Swan columbine, Amazon dianthus, Sorbet violas, Redbor ornamental kale, Mesa gaillardia and Diamonds Blue delphinium. This petunia also looks beautiful spilling over hanging baskets.
These petunias should be planted in full sun in well-drained soil. The best time for planting is in the fall (September through early November), providing blooms until late May, and in late winter and early spring (early February through mid-March). These petunias require more water than other plants (due to their fast-growing nature), and they prefer early morning watering. They are also heavy feeders, so it’s best to apply a two- to three-month controlled-release, water-soluble fertilizer at planting (followed by regular feedings).
The LSU AgCenter named the Supertunia Vista Bubblegum petunia a Louisiana Super Plant as it proved to be one of the state’s most durable petunia varieties in landscape trials.
Petunias prefer acidic soil (a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5 is best).