7 8th Annual Humanitarian Ball, benefit for the Southeast Louisiana Chapter of the American Red Cross, 620-3154, www.arcno.org.
7 2008 Stone Energy Victory Ball, benefiting the National World War II Museum, 527-6012, www.nationalww2museum.org.
20 23rd Annual Spotlight on Success, benefiting the March of Dimes, 836-2087 or (800) 460-0865.
20 Celebrity Waiters Luncheon, benefiting American Cancer Society, 833-4024.
16-20 Tales of the Cocktail, 948-0511, www.TalesoftheCocktail.com.
19 Mr. Legs VIII, benefit for Bridge House, 522-2124 x13, www.bridgehouse.org.
2 Whitney White Linen Night, benefit for the Contemporary Arts Center, 528-3805, www.cacno.org.
23 8th Annual Hope Gala, benefiting American Cancer Society, 469-0021.
23 10th Annual CHAIRish the Children, benefit for the Louisiana Children’s Museum, 586-0726 x206