As Executive Director of the Louisiana Policy Institute for Children (LPIC), Dr. Libbie Sonnier has served the youngest residents of Louisiana for years. By supporting legislation and helping fund early care and education programs, Sonnier has worked her whole career for the benefit of children.
Inspired by a nephew born with special needs, Sonnier dedicated her career to ensuring all children in the state have what they need to thrive. This includes education and other forms of support. At LPIC, Sonnier is building and working with a board of stakeholders dedicated to making sure Louisiana’s children have what they need to thrive – not just survive.
A nonprofit, nonpartisan group, the Louisiana Policy Institute for Children gathers data and research about the issues affecting children from birth to age four in the state. Currently they’re advocating for increased investment in the state budget for children. This shift is intended to benefit both the children and the state’s economy overall.
“Young children are critically important to our economy. We want parents to go to school and work, so we must provide early childhood care,” says Sonnier. “It’s about what children and families need in our state. At the end of the day, we want to make sure families thrive and can be the best versions of themselves.”
Get Involved
To get involved, organizations and businesses can join the Ready Louisiana coalition, an organization advocating affordable early care and education in Louisiana. She also encourages everyone to follow the LPIC on social media and stay engaged with their message. “Everybody has a voice, and if we can use these voices to champion children, we can move the needle,” says Dr. Sonnier. “We need everybody’s voice to make sure they have what they need.”
Louisiana Policy Institute for Children
Facebook @PolicyInstituteLA
Twitter @PolicyInstLA
Ready Louisiana
Twitter @Ready_Louisiana