If you spend any time whatsoever on Instagram, you’ve noticed the collective obsession of platform users over charming houses. In fact, searching #charminghouses results in 11,693 posts from all over the globe — and boy are you in for a world of eye candy. Meanwhile, #nolahouses and #neworleanshouses will provide upwards of 4,000 colorful, adorable and downright impressive homes each right here in our pretty city. There are countless #igersneworleans and #igerslouisiana (for the uninitiated that’s instagrammers of New Orleans and instagrammers of Louisiana) documenting everything from art, music, food and landscapes to — you guessed it — delightful houses. But it’s safe to say that the majority of the images found at the #igersneworleans hashtag are architectural in nature and while some are the company or professional feeds of real estate agents or designers, design writers, lifestyle bloggers and influencers, many are simply regular folks responding to the beauty of New Orleans houses.
Confession: I’m one of those #neworleanshouses “igers.”
My feed (which you can follow at @melaniewarnerspencer) centers primarily on design and lifestyle, since I’m the editor of magazines in that realm, but I too am mystically drawn to capturing frame after frame after frame of attractive houses. It truly never gets old for me and judging from the deluge of “likes” accompanying each post, others seem to love it, too.
People on the ‘Grams like photos of houses so much so that there are entire feeds dedicated to this sole purpose. With that in mind, here are a few locals to follow if they aren’t already populating your feed. (Disclosure: Three of those mentioned here are friends and colleagues of mine in real life. I’ve indicated which ones with an {F}, so you are in the know.)
The Preservationist: Old and new houses abound on The Preservationist feed, and you’ll learn your architectural styles, especially the regional design vernacular.
Our.Nola.Walks {F} Designer and blogger Liz Kamarul started this feed in 2019. While most of the images are wide shots of homes and buildings, Kamarul zeros in on details a little more often than many of us and conjures up a surprise or two.
The Carrolltonian: In Emily Manger’s feed, architecture is simply a jumping off point. History and storytelling are a signature and you will increase your local knowledge in spades.
Adrienne Breaux {F} Apartment Therapy home tour editor Adrienne Breaux’s eye for color will light up your feed. You’ll come for the joyful houses and stay for the outrageously adorable photos of her pets.
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Missing Mardi Gras… but thankful I get to live in New Orleans year round 💜💚💛
Nola Maven {F} Susan Whelen is the insider gal about town who knows exactly where to eat, drink and make merry. Her posts featuring beautiful homes, French Quarter scenes and New Orleans culture will be your new go-to.
This is of course a miniscule sampling of the many New Orleanians out there sharing the city’s gorgeous architecture on social media. If you are one of them, tell us how to find you in the comments or email melanie@myneworleans.com.