NEW ORLEANS (press release) – In honor of the second weekend of Jazz Fest, Chefs Donald Link and Stephen Stryjewski are once again boiling crawfish at La Boulangerie on both Saturday and Sunday. Link’s cousin, Billy Link who hails from Cajun country, is providing his famed crawfish, and Link and Stryjewski will be boiling until they are gone. In addition to crawfish, La Boulangerie will be selling crawfish bread, strawberry lemonade—spiked and unspiked—and WWOZ will be playing on the radio for a little taste of the fairgrounds. Crawfish are available in 3 lb. ($17), 6 lb. ($34), 9 lb. ($51), and 12 lb. ($68) orders. Add on a 2-piece corn and 2 potatoes for $5. Additionally, menu items from La Boulangerie will be available to order online.
Pick Up Saturday, May 2nd & Sunday May 3rd
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
La Boulangerie
4600 Magazine Street
Orders can be placed now for Saturday or Sunday pick-up.
Order online at