Collecting Cool

Everyone knows how important the Louisiana Children’s Museum is to our community, state and surrounding communities, so we’re very excited that they’ve almost attained their goal to create a new Children’s Museum in City Park! This is the time to show your support and attend “CHAIRish the Children.” The event this year is themed “Silver Linings” and will celebrate the myriad ways that our community is better for children post Hurricane Katrina! Thanks to our cover participants: CEO Julia Bland, Board President Taylor Beery, Chair Amy Lawler and Head of U.S. Corporate Banking for the presenting sponsor, Capital One Bank, Karen DeBlieux. They promise us a fabulous night featuring entertainment, cuisine and both live and silent auctions, all to bring attention to the important work of cherishing our children. Beyond its big blue doors, the Louisiana Children’s Museum offers life-changing opportunities with programs embedded in public schools and Head Start Programs that focus on early childhood development, resiliency building, family literacy, parenting and life skills. Call 266-2415 or visit for tickets now and show your support!

All of us know what July in New Orleans is like – it’s hot! Be sure to check out What’s Hot for Summer Style featuring everything from purses to pillows. After taking the children to the pool or sporting events, you deserve some pampering, so check our some of the best places to be treated in our Pampering Yourself spa guide, because you deserve it!

Once everyone is pampered, it’s time to grab a cool cocktail. If you want the inside scoop, look to our “Summer Sipping” feature that highlights 10 Happy Hours across the city. Why not go to one new place every night?

The new YAYA Art Center is open at 3322 LaSalle St., right across the street from Harmony Oaks! There are just a few more $1,000 spaces on our Founder’s Wall to finish our $1.3 million campaign, so email me or Kay Kerrigan if you want to be a part of this exciting project! Congratulations to Gene Meneray, YAYA’s new CEO. Also, thanks to Baty Landis who is retiring! We couldn’t have created this incredible project without her vision and creativity. YAYA’s mission is to empower creative young people to become successful adults. We do this through educational opportunities in the arts and entrepreneurship, and by supporting the individual goals of local youth. Please read Marilee Hovet’s Making A Difference column spotlighting YAYA this month!

Have a safe and happy summer!


Locals tend to joke that everything stops in New Orleans in deep summer – musicians, artists and especially those who enjoy snowy climes pack up and head north (or far, far south). But this year, as we approach the 10th anniversary of the storm that changed everything, it seems that many of us are choosing to stay in the city that we love, finding ways to stay, if not cool, then less sweaty.

We kept that in mind this issue; from Kids Play’s experience at The Backyard, to What’s Hot for Summer Style to our feature on Happy Hours and much more, you’ll find new ideas and old favorites here – everything you need except a snowball.

Our upcoming August magazine is our annual Weddings Issue, featuring eight fabulous weddings! Whether you’re dreaming of your ideal wedding, planning your wedding currently or just enjoy basking in the joy of others, this issue will be one to keep.

Also, start holding the evening of Thursday, October 8 and the afternoon of Friday, October 9 for our second annual Wine, Dine & Design events! We promise you won’t want to miss it!

Stay cool and enjoy the long evenings of summer!


Collecting Cool

Life Is Too Short To Be Chic by Elizabeth Pipes Swanson is a book about how to live life to the fullest! This quote from a reviewer on Amazon sums up her book perfectly: “The uniquely imaginative, perceptive, empathetic, daring, bold, hysterically amusing, zany, creative, ingenious, refreshingly unbridled, free-spirited and beautiful mind of Elizabeth Pipes Swanson is only matched by her extraordinary ability to express her thoughts, penetrating insights and words of wisdom. … While at first it may appear to be a random, whimsical collection of nothings in particular, this book is in fact, is about everything that’s important about life.” You can purchase Swanson’s book, which is perfect to give as a gift, on



11    “Mr. Legs XV,” benefiting Bridge House/Grace House, 821-7288

15-19    “Tales of the Cocktail,” benefiting the New Orleans Culinary and Culture Preservation Society, 948-0511

17    “A Night Out with the Akula Foundation,” 881-0452

24    “Summer Cure Chefs Wine Dinner,” benefiting Susan G. Komen New Orleans, 455-7310


1    “Heart of our Angels,” benefiting Help Free An Angel, (985) 227-9069

19    “2015 SPE-YP Silent Auction and Casino Night,” benefiting he Society of Petroleum Engineers – Delta Selection, (985) 665-1562

20    “St. Jude in the Big Easy, A Legends for Charity Event,” benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, (225) 282-3240

21    “Next Generation’s Banquet Fundraiser, 885-0980

22    “CHAIRish the Children,” benefiting the Louisiana Children’s Museum, 266-2415



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