As Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer for Fidelity Bank in New Orleans, Charles LeFevre is responsible for the bank’s safeguarding functions. LeFevre has a knack for making sure everything is in its right place, and through his philanthropic endeavors, he helps those in need afford the right place for themselves.
LeFevre participates in programs like the FDIC’s Alliance for Economic Inclusion, which works with organizations that promote affordable housing such as the New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity, the Crescent City Community Land Trust, and United Way of Southeast Louisiana.
“Nearly 50 percent of our community either lives in poverty or struggles to make ends meet,” says LeFevre. Through Fidelity, LeFevre partners with the United Way to facilitate its Individual Development Account program, which provides matched funds to those most in need for purchasing a home, buying a car to get to work, or attaining post-secondary education. “Participating in any way to enhance the lives of those living in our community through providing ways to obtain affordable housing and education makes my work worthwhile,” he says.