Cultural Traditions: Cambodian (or Khmer) Weddings

Nestled between Thailand and Vietnam, the Cambodian culture holds wedding ceremonies to the highest standards. These events, bonding the bride and groom together, are meant to be a large-scale spectacle for family, friends and even tourists to enjoy.

Traditionally, the Khmer weddings, as they are referred to in Cambodia, consist of a number of ceremonies lasting three days and three nights. Each ceremony is considered a stand-alone event, having the bride, groom and their attendants change outfits, hairstyles and jewelry for each individual service.

Because the number of ceremonies – typically seven if the couple is keeping with tradition –having to change from head-to-toe, as well as take photos on top of each ceremony lasting about an hour, it makes sense why these events can last for multiple days.

Cultural Traditions: Cambodian (or Khmer) WeddingsFood is offered outside of the home or ceremony area for guests to congregate and enjoy the day while waiting for the next ceremony to start, or if they forego a certain aspect of the festivities.

At the end of the seven or so ceremonies, a reception is sometimes held. This could include a traditional Cambodian-style banquet that includes a 10-course meal complete with lots of drinks and dancing.

Stay tuned for the details of each of the seven Khmer wedding ceremonies.



If you and your betrothed had a culturally traditional wedding, share it with us in the comments.



Fun fact: gift registries are considered a foreign concept in Cambodia.

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