March is a time for many of us to come out from the winter doldrums. Spring break is right around the corner. Festival season is starting to get into gear. Nicer weather has returned, and with it, all the best outdoor dining, picnics, get-togethers and, yes crawfish boils.
The smell of spices boiling. The newspaper spread out ready for a feast. Getting together with family and friends to share in the fun. What’s not to like about a crawfish boil? Unfortunately, this year some aspects of the boil have been a bit of a downer. Yet, while the news has been bleak on crawfish availability, there are glimmers of hope on the horizon. We talk to the local pros about what to expect, where they source their favorite supplies, get the inside how-tos on the best boils and some good additions to make your backyard boil a success, despite the scarcity.
While spring is a time for boils and barbecues, it’s also a time to get ready for spring break and hitting the beach. We have your go-to Gulf Coast travel planner with all best places to stay, eat, drink, splash and celebrate from Mississippi to Florida. Get your sunscreen ready and be sure to pack in plenty of fun.
As always, we have all of the spring essentials you need, cover to cover, to get out, eat, drink and prepare for a good time. Festivals are coming!