Editor’s Note: Full Steam Ahead

We’ve arrived – the dog days of summer. For locals, August comes with a mix of “over it” and the frantic rush to fit in doctor’s appointments, last trips of the season and other to-dos before the school year starts and the summer ends. But, for us it’s been an exceptionally exciting several months and we’ve got news to share.

We’ve been working behind the scenes for some time now on an Avenue redesign. Much like our sister publication New Orleans Magazine did not long ago, we’ve polled friends and readers and listened to feedback about what you would like to see covered more consistently. And with that, we’re thrilled to bring you our first issue with a fresh layout and a good bit of new content.

Our philanthropic events coverage now has its own section (with even more parties), devoted to covering these important local fundraisers each month. You will find that we have also added a good bit more general lifestyle content – everything from fashion to wellness and more current information about local happenings and news. If you would like to see something covered that might be a good fit, please email aroundtown@myneworleans.com.

Avenue’s mission is and will always continue to be shining a spotlight on the many incredible nonprofit organizations doing great work throughout New Orleans. We will continue to bring you familiar favorites as well. Be sure to check out this month’s Change Makers on Devin De Wulf, the founder and executive director of the Krewe of Red Beans and learn more about the amazing programs they offer.

Our team is thrilled to bring you this first new issue. We hope you enjoy it and look forward to hearing your thoughts. Your opinions mean the world to us. We can’t wait to bring you even more as we continue to add new columns and feature content in the coming months!




Andy Myer, Editor

Editor's Note: Full Steam Ahead
Photograph by Sam Hanna

On the Cover

Local philanthropists Stephanie and husband and acclaimed artist/gallery owner Terrance Osborne enjoy the stunning setting at the new Chandelier Bar in the recently renovated Four Seasons Hotel.

Learn more about the Chandelier Bar and a host of other impressive local spots in this month’s “Cocktail Hour” feaure on pg. 18.

A Must Visit – Vue Orleans

I was finally able to visit Vue Orleans, the spectacular 360-degree observation deck and interactive experience overlooking an incredible view of the Mississippi River. Located on top of the Four Seasons Hotel, the entrance is to the left and parking is available through the hotel or in nearby lots. I brought my 8-year-old daughter along and she thoroughly enjoyed every moment. I highly reccommend this as a fun and unique activity for locals and to suggest to friends visiting town. 

– Andy

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