Founder & CEO, mSchool
Students naturally want to learn, believes Elliot Sanchez, Founder and CEO of the mSchool, “So when they start to realize they’re making progress, it’s like a fire’s been lit inside them.
A start-up, mSchool rapidly sets up “micro-schools” in community centers; these are blended learning environments where each student has an individualized, tailored learning plan. According to a description by Sanchez, mSchool strives to, “Provide pedagogical, technical and logistical back-end for community centers, allowing them to open micro blended-learning academies at their current site.”
After working in education at the state and district level, it became clear to Sanchez that “technology could be a powerful tool if used correctly.”
“My goal,” he says, “is to help millions of students reach their goals and see themselves as successful learners. It’s a staggering, complex challenge, so right now I’m focused on making sure the students we work with have a great experience and get the individual supports they need.”
Sanchez’s wife is also in education, she is the Director of Teacher Support at New Schools for New Orleans, where she coaches teachers and is one of the first people in the country to hold her coaching certification. They have a daughter, Ada.