With fall in the air, what could be more fun than a weekend trip to the country with family and close friends? Plan lots of activities – go fishing in the morning; feed the cows and the chickens; go on hikes; play soccer, baseball, ping pong and horseshoes; and go swimming if it’s not too cold – while everyone collects firewood for a big bonfire in the evening.
Eat lunch in the field near the cows (who are, of course, behind an electric fence). Tie maple leaf branches to the backs of the chairs and use folk art to decorate. Clip knockout roses and other fall flowers and place in pottery vases.
If you catch fish, have a fish fry. To that, add potato salad and cole slaw and serve old-fashioned blueberry crumble for dessert.
At night, cook out with hamburgers, steak, chicken, whatever you prefer, and serve with a huge salad. After dinner, it’s time to light the bonfire, sing and roast s’mores. Everyone should sleep tight and sleep late the next morning!