Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men, affecting more than 3 million Americans per year. While not as common as prostate cancer, the incidences of kidney cancer are also growing in the United States and it is one of the 10 most common cancers in both American men and women. Farjaad Siddiq, MD and urologist affiliated with multiple Lake Charles hospitals including Christus St. Patrick Hospital, helps his patients fight their battles against prostate and kidney cancer, as well as various kidney ailments.
The 44-year-old Siddiq was recruited to practice medicine in Lake Charles, and he has been doing so for 13 years. His work allows Lake Charles residents to receive top-notch urology care without the added stress of traveling.
“It’s home and I feel Iike I’m able to help a lot of people who would otherwise have to go elsewhere,” said Siddiq.
Siddiq has treated many patients with prostate and kidney cancer over the years. He does not have a single one that stands out more than others, but he said that every case has been rewarding as he works with his patients to restore their health. He said recent advances in laparoscopic and robotic surgery technology have made things easier for prostate and kidney cancer patients. The new technology allows him to be much more precise in operating on patients, which makes for smaller incisions, less post-op pain, less downtime, and better results. Many patients are not just concerned about surviving, but being able to control their bladder and have erections after surgery.
“With prostate cancer, a lot of it has to do with not just curing their cancer, but preserving their quality of life after surgery,” said Siddiq.
But it isn’t just cancer that Siddiq treats — he also treats patients suffering from kidney stones, which are tiny mineral crystals that stick together in a person’s urine. As anyone who has ever had a kidney stone can tell you, it is a particularly painful ailment and one patients are always eager to get rid of. Siddiq said Louisiana is considered to be part of “the stone belt” because kidney stones are so common in the Southeastern United States.
Dr. Siddiq is a native of Providence, Rhode Island. When he is not helping his patients, Dr. Siddiq enjoys spending time with his two daughters, ages nine and six. He is also a car enthusiast and enjoys traveling with his children.
Kidney and Prostate Health
Dr. Farjaad Sidiq shares 3 ways to keep your kidneys and prostate healthy
To prevent prostate cancer, Siddiq says the strategies are very similar to those recommended for cardiac health. Eating a lot of red meat can increase your risk for prostate cancer, so it is best to eat meat in moderation and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
Guidelines for preventing kidney cancer are also similar. Managing blood pressure can improve your kidney health. If there already weren’t enough reasons to stop smoking, here’s another one: quitting smoking will help prevent kidney cancer. It’s well known that smoking contributes to many diseases, most infamously lung cancer. But the risk of kidney cancer also increases with smoking.
Kidney stones are prevalent in Louisiana. Siddiq says a big reason why is simple: kidney stones are typically caused by dehydration and the heat and humidity here make people more prone to becoming dehydrated. Always drink plenty of water, even if you’re not thirsty. “The key to kidney stone prevention is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate,” said Siddiq.