NEW ORLEANS (press release) – It is with great sadness that French Quarter Festivals, Inc. (FQFI) announces that plans to host French Quarter Festival in October are no longer moving forward. At the City’s direction and out of caution for the safety of fans, musicians, staff and partners, French Quarter Festival and Satchmo SummerFest 2020 have been canceled. For the remainder of the year, FQFI will refocus our energy on innovating to create new ways to deliver on our mission in 2020. We look forward to returning stronger together April 8-11, 2021 for French Quarter Festival and July 30 – Aug. 1, 2021 for Satchmo SummerFest —where we’ll all be dancin’ in the streets!
Since 1984, French Quarter Festivals, Inc. has been committed to our non-profit mission to deliver a positive economic impact to the community and to showcase our incredible local music and culture. Our festivals create thousands of jobs for musicians and others; help sustain local, small businesses; and provide a priceless cultural impact to hundreds of thousands of attendees. Many local businesses, artists, and hospitality workers rely on the income produced by French Quarter Festival and Satchmo SummerFest. In 2019, French Quarter Festival alone generated nearly $200 million in economic impact for the city and hired over 1,700 local musicians. Visitor spending at our festivals create or support nearly 2,100 full and part-time jobs for our community.
To ensure we can survive this unprecedented situation and bring back our beloved events in 2021, today we launch our Resilience Campaign. Donors will receive festival merchandise and recognition on our website. More information about the Resilience Campaign and FQFI is available at