Pictured here is a sample of Louisiana seafood. Modern refrigeration and farming techniques have altered the seasons a bit, but we are traditionalists. The natural season of one of these seafoods is between September and April; the other between December and June. Which two are they?
A. Shrimp and crabs
B. Crawfish and oysters
C. Crabs and crawfish
D. Oysters and crawfish
This freshwater fish is also known as St. Peter’s fish because of a gospel passage referring to Peter catching a fish with a coin in its mouth. What is the species’ more common name?
A. Jordan fish
B. Thessalonian
C. Tilapia
D. Trigger fish
This town is known for its bounty of crawfish. What is it?
A. Des Allemands
B. Port Sulphur
C. Winnsboro
D. Bordelonville
Your friend is supposed to meet his former cellmate on the bridge at Breaux Bridge to go to the annual Crawfish Festival. The friend cannot remember the name of the bridge at Breaux Bridge, but it might help him to at least know the name of the bayou that the bridge crosses. What is it?
A. Bayou des Glaises
B. Bayou Lafourche
C. Bayou Teche
D. Bayou Rouge
With a name that includes several perch-like species, this fish is the subject of many tournaments and events throughout the state. What is it?
A. Bass
B. Gaspergou
C. Mullet
D. Catfish
Many South Louisiana oyster-harvesters have roots that trace back to this country:
A. Belgium
B. The Dominican Republic
C. The Philippines
D. Croatia
An annual Gulf fishing rodeo in Grand Isle is held in pursuit of this fish:
A. Marlin
B. Tarpon
C. Amberjack
D. Blue wahoo
This species is Louisiana’s native crab. What it is?
A. The red crab
B. The blue crab
C. The Creole crab
D. The Atchafalaya crab
Your friend and his former cellmate buddy have a business plan to catch redfish and sell them to restaurants. Unaware that redfish live in saltwater, the two assume they are found in the Red River. So as to avoid total humiliation, which one of the following is not located on the Red River?
A. Shreveport
B. Coushatta
C. Alexandria
D. Ruston
Some of the fancy restaurants in New Orleans serve this fish en papillote, or baked in a bag. Which is it?
A. Flounder
B. Sheepshead
C. Gar
D. Pompano
Answer this BONUS QUESTION and be eligible to win an overnight stay for two at the luxurious PARAGON CASINO RESORT: What are Louisiana’s four longest bayous and four biggest lakes?
Send in your answer on
a postcard addressed to:
Louisiana Life Bonus Question
110 Veterans Blvd., Suite 123
Metairie, LA 70005
Two winners will be drawn from among the correct answers. Each will receive an overnight stay for two at the recently expanded and remodeled Paragon Casino Resort in Marksville. Winners’ names will be announced in the September/October 2012 issue.
For our January/February issue, the question was: Name the oldest parade that marches either on Mardi Gras or closest to Mardi Gras in the following towns: Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, New Roads and Shreveport.
The correct answer was:
Baton Rouge – Mystique; Lafayette – Gabriel; Lake Charles – Krewes; New Roads – Community Center; Shreveport – Gemini.
Winners were:
Arleen Orgeron of Broussard
Debra Brignac of Gonzales
1.D 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.D
Score 10 points for each correct answer:
0-20 Consult your nearest library.
30-60 Begin by buying a good road map.
70-90 You should run for office.
100 You’re a candidate for a Ph.D. in Louisianaology.