No matter where you are on your educational and professional journey, there’s no time like the present to take on your next challenge, to build a community of like-minded peers and to launch into the next stage of your career. At University of Holy Cross, students of all ages and backgrounds are invited to push their boundaries and build a life with purpose, all in a campus community that feels like family.
Rooted in Catholic heritage that promotes the ideals of service to others, UHC prides itself on providing a top-quality, personalized education where no student is lost in the crowd.
“The University of Holy Cross shines as a light of opportunity for students,” says University President Stanton McNeely III. “Our 10-1 student-to-faculty ratio ensures that UHC students achieve individual success and make lasting bonds with each other and educators.”
Whether a student is pursuing an undergraduate, master’s or doctoral degree, or whether they’re balancing education with an existing career, UHC has the programs and tools to help anyone achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.
University of Holy Cross // 4123 Woodland Dr, New Orleans // 504.394.7744 //