NEW ORLEANS (press release) – Hogs for the Cause XVI took place on April 5 – 6 at UNO Lakefront Arena Festival Grounds. Fantastic weather, fervent fundraising, record-breaking crowds, and an incredible line-up of musical talent made Hogs for the Cause XVI the sweetest year yet. The organizers are proud to announce the names of the Children’s Hospital New Orleans Grand Champion, category winners, and top fundraisers for the 2024 Ben Sarrat, Jr. Cook-Off.
“‘Every year, we are blown away by the excitement our teams stir up and the fundraising activities they conduct throughout the year,” said Becker Hall, CEO & co-founder of Hogs for the Cause. “This year, our teams have hit an astonishing $4.3 million in funds raised, allowing us to help more families than ever. We are humbled and grateful for their yearlong commitment and dedication to the cause.”
The 16th Annual Ben Sarrat, Jr. Cook-Off featured 91 teams. The BBQ competitors vied for the title of Children’s Hospital New Orleans Grand Champion, along with champions in the categories of Whole Hog, Ribs, Pork Butt/Shoulder, and Porkpourri (anything pork) divisions. There are also awards for Best Sauce, Blue Plate Mayonnaise Best Side, Irpino Avin Hawkins Best Bacon, “Just Winging It” presented by Tabasco, Louisiana Tourism Fan Favorite, Best Friday Night Party, Best Booth, Best Social Media, and Fundraising Champion.
“In just 16 years we have given over $12 million. That kind of support has made it possible to assist more than 1800 families, continue to help hospital programs and other charities nationwide, and build Hogs Houses for families to use while their child is receiving treatment,” said Rene Louapre, COO & Co-Founder of Hogs for the Cause. “From the enthusiasm of our amazing teams and their delicious foods to the talented, entertaining bands and the attendees who come to eat and support our cause, it is an honor to be a part of this amazing experience. I look forward to what we can do in the next 16 years.”
Each Year, Hogs for the Cause inductsindividuals into its Hog of Fame.
This award represents continued dedication and service to the Hogs organization.
This year’s Hog of Fame inductees are:
Minor Pipes, Fleur De Que
Chris Roos, The Boars Nest
Brett Cook, GooTee Que
Wesley White, Team March of the Pigs
TJ Jacobs, Team March of the Pigs
Bryan Moore, Team March of the Pigs
David Joiner, Hogs Staff
Greg Boyd, Hogs Staff
The Children’s Hospital New Orleans High of the Hog winners are:
Children’s Hospital New Orleans Grand Champion:
Piggy Stardust (Image below)
Whole Hog:
Squeal Team Six
Bark & Bite Barbecue
Pork Butt/Shoulder:
Piggy Stardust
Deuce Pigalow + Frey Meats
Best Sauce:
#Famous On Instaham
Blue Plate Mayonnaise Best Side:
Crescent City Couyons
Irpino Avin Hawkins Best Bacon:
Sugarfire Smokehouse
“Just Winging It” presented by Tabasco:
Louisiana Tourism Fan Favorite:
Deuce Pigalow + Frey Smoked Meats
Friday Night Party:
Miller High Life Pony Challenge:
Best Booth:
River Pork Pilots
Best Social Media:
Fundraising Champion:
Fleur De Que
(Image below)
Top fundraising teams
- Fleur De Que over $625K
- Hogwatch over $340k
- Morten Anderson’s Mullets over $320K
Teams that raised:
Over $275K
- The Boar’s Nest
Over $200K
- Team March of the Pigs
Over $100K
- Deswine Intervention
- Mr. Pig Stuff
- Swine Krewe
- Bark & Bite BBQ
Over $90K
- River Pork Pilots
Over $80K
- Piggy Stardust
- Pig Easy
Over $70K
- The Hogfather
- Devil Moon BBQ
Over $60K
- Swine and Dine
- Irish Brew BBQ
- Mr. Pigglesworth
- Captain Porkenheimer
- House of Hogs
Over $50K
- Deuce Pigalow Pork Gigolo
- Pig Latin
- Wootay BBQ
- Hoggystyle
- Smokeshow Cook Squad
Over $40K
- Chew Fork Farms
- Silence of Da Hams
- Porktoberfest
- Gootee Que
Over $30K
- Sweet Swine O Mine
- Sir Pork A Lot
- Dirty D and the Thunderpigs
- Mazant National
- Porkchopitoulas
- Hog Addiction
- Rugaroux Q
- PigLit
- Hog Dat Nation
- Lard and in Charge
- Swineaux
- Crescent City Couyons
Over $20K
- Pork Belly Cartel
- 2nd Hand Smokers
- Pork Funk Allstars
- Pork Illustrated
- Carnivore Carnival
- Sport Porkin
- That’ll Do Crew
- Mississippi Bacon Association
- Fire & Spice
- Smokey and the Bacon
- Druids BBQ
- The Last Mr. Pigg
- PorkHub
- Chits & Piggles
- Team Stabbin