There are at least one or two hard freezes every winter in New Orleans, followed by days and days of spring rainstorms with lots of wind and sometimes hail. As spring segues into summer, a major citywide cleanup by homeowners of their pools, porches, and patios goes on in full force. They replant and refresh […]
The great 20th-century French couturiere Jeanne Lanvin is crediting with proclaiming that “art and fashion are one.” It’s a credo that readily applies to the work of Casi Francis. As a full-time interior designer, Francis works with her mother, interior designer Penny Francis of Eclectic Home, creating beautiful rooms. As an artist, she creates original […]
Nautical Chic (Thames & Hudson Ltd., $40.00) For centuries, the appeal of nautical dress has cut a sartorial swathe. But how did the iconic blue-and-white fisherman’s top and yellow peacoat make the leap from uniform into fashionable dress? In her first book, Nautical Chic, fashion historian Amber Jane Butchart uncovers the stories, tracks the trends […]