It is no longer novel that women are achieving great success in their fields, many of which were once exclusive to men. While there’s no longer novelty in the news, there are, among all people, discoveries in the storytelling. We present here 10 women whose stories are worth knowing, as we look for the spark […]
HISTORY: As the 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina approaches, this month The Historic New Orleans Collection releases The Katrina Decade: Images of an Altered City by photographer David G. Spielman with essays by Jack Davis and John H. Lawrence. This 168-page hardcover-bound volume features more than 125 of Spielman’s sometimes haunting, sometimes heartening black-and-white images […]
You’re from New Orleans! You know who else is from there?” John, our tour guide in Dallas, asked. “Yes,” I answered, “and you know who was named John?” You can look at the fine museums, performance center and nouveau modern buildings in Dallas; you can experience a bit of the quaint Texas of lore in […]
Theater critic Rex Reed was once in town, and during a discussion he said of his hometown, New York City, that it was no longer a late night place. That surprised me for the town immortalized in song by the line, “I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps.” Such a statement is hard to quantify, but I suspect it’s […]
The CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Week Report recently published findings stating severe vision loss was most prevalent in the South. The report found that “the South was home to three-quarters of the United States counties with the highest prevalence of severe vision loss.” To lower the risk of vision loss, an additional report by the NPR “Shots” blog suggested catching […]