Jacquelyn Lafaye to Pierre Stouse

Jacquelyn “Jackie” LaFaYe

and Pierre Stouse are lifelong New Orleanians. Jackie attended Academy of the Sacred Heart and Loyola University, and Pierre went to Jesuit High School and graduated from Tulane University in electrical engineering. After college they dated different people and only really first met at Pam and Grady Harper’s wedding reception. Jackie was dating someone, but Pierre asked her out anyway and their relationship was on and off for a few years. Pierre took a job in the Azores and then returned home. Jackie got a job with Shell Oil Company. One day Jackie decided that she wanted to buy season tickets to the symphony and asked Pierre if he wanted to go with her and buy his own tickets. He of course said yes. After many more dates, Pierre asked Jackie to marry him. She said that she would let him know in a year! After that year was up, she finally said yes, and the wedding was on.

The Lafayes had an engagement party where they surprised everyone and Jackie got to show off the new ring. There were dinner parties, a breakfast at Brennans, cocktail parties and a lunch at the Southern Yacht Club. Jackie’s mom planned everything for the wedding. It was at noon at Holy Name of Jesus Church with the reception following at the Orleans Club. The flowers were created by Rohm’s and included white chrysanthemums, stock and orchids. Her bouquet was all white gardenias and lilies of the valley. Jackie’s dress was made by Marie Perret, who also made her twin sister Lynn’s dress, and the caterer of the day was Eunice Chenowith, who created a sumptuous lunch for the guests at the Orleans Club.

After the wedding, Jackie changed into a beautiful brown woolen suit and accented her hair with a veil of moss green velvet berries. They met friends that night at the Bayou Bar at the Pontchartrain Hotel and left the next day for their honeymoon to Acapulco, Mexico.

Jacquelyn Lafaye to Pierre Stouse                        Jacquelyn Lafaye to Pierre Stouse

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