“One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.”
-Lewis Carroll
Jane Dufour coordinates and disseminates information about the Junior League of New Orleans as the Communications Council Director on the organization’s Board of Directors. Her primary responsibilities are to ensure a consistent JLNO brand and message and educate the public about JLNO’s mission. Jane combines her strong management and communication skills with her expertise in marketing, publishing and public relations to oversee promotion of JLNO’s events, businesses and community projects via traditional advertising, social media, press releases, the Lagniappe publication and the organization’s website. Working closely with the President, Board Members, committee chairs and staff, Jane reviews all print and digital materials and provides guidance on additional opportunities to extend JLNO’s influence.
After joining JLNO in 2010, Jane has dedicated her volunteer efforts to various Communications Council committees, including Graphic Design, Marketing and Branding. She is responsible for the creation of many of JLNO’s current logos and has a keen eye for maintaining brand standards. Having been involved with the Touch a Truck event on the communications side from the beginning, Jane enjoys volunteering for Touch a Truck each year to see how everything comes together and how much attendees enjoy the event.
Jane is a certified planner and currently works as a Real Estate Property Specialist for GCR Inc. (GCR). Her work with GCR includes the acquisition of rights of way for coastal restoration and protection projects as well as for other public infrastructure projects. Prior to joining GCR, she worked as a planner for Mathes Brierre Architects.
After graduating from St. Mary’s Dominican High School, Jane received a Bachelor of Arts in Historic Preservation and Community Planning from the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina and a Master of Urban and Regional Planning from the University of New Orleans.
Her volunteer experience extends to a number of years on the SAVvy Affair Event committee, a fundraiser for St. Andrew’s Village, which is a cause close to her heart. St. Andrew’s Village is a faith-based, mixed-use community where both adults with all degrees of developmental disabilities and non-disabled individuals can live, work, worship and socialize. Her cousin, Walker Lopez, has special needs and has never let an impediment slow him down. He reminds her to have patience, something he has in spades, and to be persistent.