Joni Friedman-Lagasse didn’t choose the home care business; it chose her. Dependable In Home Care, which was founded by Joni’s mother in Joni’s childhood home, has referred caregivers for non-medical in-home care for the past 50 years. The company is the only nationally-accredited caregiver registry in the region, providing access to a highly-vetted pool of nearly 175 professionals who offer everything from everyday companionship to total care. Their clients include bedridden patients and active eighty-somethings who love company and outings. Friedman-Lagasse attributes the business’s continued growth and success to a core quality: she doesn’t give up. The words “no,” “you can’t,” or “it’s never been done before” simply don’t figure into her vocabulary. She believes in taking risks—calculated risks—whether with her real estate properties, restaurant ventures or home care expansions. Dependable In Home Care will soon be expanding their contractor network to help the elderly with everything from basic IT to home maintenance, lawn services and more.
Southshore | 504.486.5044
Northshore | 985.690.6353