“Juleps in June,” an Ode to the Arts

It was only fitting that the venue of the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society’s annual “Juleps in June” was the beautiful home of honorary chairs Greer and David Montelone of Hotel Monteleone. The Montelone is the only hotel in the city recognized as a National Literary Landmark and has been touted as the favorite site of such literary greats as Eudora Welty, Tennessee Williams and William Faulkner.

As guests entered the patron party held earlier in the evening, they were greeted by co-chairs Jennifer Adams, Angela Bowlin, Chris Fransen and Kent Osborne, and presented with juleps in engraved silver cups that were offered as party favors. Monteleone’s kitchen catered the event as a special donation to the Faulkner Society. With dishes such as avocado and gazpacho shooters, mini cones filled with shrimp mousse and goat cheese popsicles, prize-wining chef Randy Buck and sous chef Jose Manguia didn’t disappoint. Pastry chef Minh Duong also prepared a vast array of exquisite pastries.

Guests of honor this year were the dynamic couple Josephine Sacabo and Dalt Wonk. Sacabo is an internationally renowned art photographer and author while Wonk is a playwright and poet. The two recently combined their talents and passion to create Luna Press, an art-book publishing house. In attendance were city-councilwoman Jackie Clarkson, Rachelle O’Brien of the Pabst Brewing Company and New Orleans fiction writer and E.R. physician Dean Paschal.

Event at a Glance

What: “Juleps in June”, benefiting the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society
When: Friday, June 7
Where: Residence of Greer and David Monteleone

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