“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
– Maya Angelou
In her second time on the Junior League of New Orleans Board of Directors, Kristin Van Hook Moore is serving as the Nominating Committee Chair. In accordance with JLNO’s Bylaws and Standing Rules, the Nominating Committee matches organizational needs and individual strengths to produce a leadership team which will most effectively forward the organization’s mission, goals and strategic plan. Kristin’s capacity for teambuilding, forward-thinking, analysis and social awareness enables her to guide the Nominating Committee in selecting an outstanding group of women who will work well together to lead JLNO in the 2018-2019 year. She hopes to continue the great work her predecessors have done in making the process as transparent as possible.
Kristin joined the Junior League of Pensacola in 2006 and then transferred to JLNO in 2011. She has primarily served on the Business Council, specifically as Vice-Chair and Chair of the Cookbook Committee and then as its Council Director for the 2015-2016 League Year. She loves that JLNO brings together women of diverse backgrounds, interests and skill sets to advance a common goal. Seeing firsthand the truth in the statement “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world” has impressed her the most. She is grateful for the opportunity to learn about topics like fund development and social media that she wouldn’t encounter in her professional life. Using her Junior League training, Kristin serves several other nonprofits in Metropolitan New Orleans, including her alma mater, Ursuline Academy, the Rho Chapter of Chi Omega at Tulane University, Impact 100 with the Greater New Orleans Foundation, the Preservation Resource Center and Trinity Episcopal School.
A graduate of Tulane University and LSU School of Medicine, Kristin completed her pediatrics training at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and her fellowship in Pediatric Pulmonology at Texas Children’s Hospital. She currently serves as a Staff Pediatric Pulmonologist at Ochsner Medical Center in New Orleans, La. She received a Chest Foundation Young Investigator Award in 2005 for translational research. Prior to Ochsner, she worked at Nemours Children’s Clinic in Pensacola, Fla. serving as the chair of the department of Pediatric Pulmonology and as the cystic fibrosis center director from 2006-2011. She also served as the Children’s Medical Assessment Team Medical Director for Region One in the state of Florida.
Kristin lives Uptown with her husband Brian and their six-year-old twins Finnegan and Liam. She enjoys running, cooking and gardening. The mother of one of her cystic fibrosis patients from when she worked in Florida was particularly inspiring to her. She was a single mother of five, lived in a rural area and had health problems of her own. She provided the best possible care for her kids and went to great lengths to do what she felt was best for them. She lost her home right before Christmas to a fire one year and still managed to remain positive. Whenever Kristin starts to feel overwhelmed, she thinks of her and realizes she can certainly keep going.