In many ways, September may be the most difficult month in the New Orleans calendar. Money is spent on the children assuring a good back to school experience for them, rather than on vacations or festivals. The hot summer lingers on…and on…and on. No really big party happenings until the end of October.
To be fair, the Saints are back on the gridiron. That’s a good thing. And Southern Decadence Festival spreads its wings, as does the bit-later Fried Chicken Festival.
As always, New Orleanians are tasked with making their own fun times, especially this month. We are special at this sort of thing, so why not?
Tiki is always good for a smile. We suggest going in that direction. Fix a crazy rum drink with thoughts of better times to come in the months ahead. No need to let the season pass you by with nothing of significance on the calendar and at the ready. Putting fruit and rum together is never the wrong answer.
From the talented fun-makers at Dickie Brennan’s Palace Café where the New Orleans Rum Society, free to join, is an important fixture.
Tiki, do you love me?
1.5 oz. Plantation Rum Stiggins’ Fancy Pineapple Rum
1 oz. Pusser’s Rum
1 oz. Blue Curacao
1.5 oz. pineapple orange juice
0.75 oz. lemon juice, fresh-squeezed
0.25 oz. Cream of Coconut
Combine all ingredients in at least an 8 oz. crazy tiki-style glass with lots of ice. Dehydrated pineapple garnish
As created and served at Palace Café Black Duck Bar, 605 Canal Street, 523-1661,