I was reading my latest copy of Louisiana Life, and I love it as I have for the past few years as a subscriber.
I am curious, however. In the “Barometer” section by Carolyn Kolb, for “What’s Not,” y’all listed a ledger of school disciplinary measures in Vermilion Parish that are being enacted. My wife teaches in St. Martin Parish, and with all that is going on in our school system these days, what’s wrong with some old-style values in place to maintain an orderly environment and reduce distractions? I ask this question respectfully and look forward to reading the next issue.
David Guillet
Breaux Bridge
Carolyn Kolb responds:
I am always happy that somebody is reading the magazine and cares enough to comment! This came directly from a news story in the Abbeville Meridional on July 9, 2008. The heading “What’s Not” could be interpreted to be the bad behavior that occasioned the new rules rather than the rules themselves. The headline “Blink Once If You Understand” definitely refers to the rule about the color of contact lenses. No comment was made about values, old-style or not.