The following comments were submitted via our e-mail news letter subscribers. If you have a comment you would like to submit about this news letter or anything in our magazine please e-mail Errol Laborde at
Informed Subscriber
Thanks for keeping us informed, with my parents (my dad has emphysema and Alzheimers) I have not been able to see New Orleans in person. We usually go back from our home in North Texas (just north of Plano) at least twice a year but your magazine and e-mail news letter are a welcome reminder of our former home. Thanks for such an informative and attractive publication.
Gentilly Is Coming Back
My parents lived on th 4700 block of Music street and had 3.5 feet of water inside after Katrina. They moved to Fairview with my wife and I and are here for the duration. They are 89 and 86 years old. My brothers got the sheetrock and carpet and furniture out to the curb and it was picked up by FEMA. I was despairing of the future of the neighborhood but yesterday one of my brothers told me the house next door was purchased by a single lady and her daughter who told him they had to persist for two months to get it to closing. She told my brother they paid $100,000 (for a house that pre Katrina would bring about $160,000). Also another house at the other end of the block is for sale for over $300.000. Homes are selling and in as is condition. To me that is a positive sign.
A. Coulonge
5 Worst Calamities in New Orleans History
Hey Errol- enjoyed the article immensely. For a follow-up, how about a poll of what ” New Orleans” landmark do you miss the most?” or in the words of Benny Grunch “Ain’t dere no more”. Hundreds of possibilities come to mind. Perhaps some far-minded entrepreneur would exhume the fossil and get New Orleans back to its roots! Would be interesting, To say the very least! Keep up the good work. Best wishes,
D. Anderson