MARQUEE – Places to Go, People to See, Things to Do

L’Imitation of Life – New Orleans-based Running With Scissors’ comical rendition of the 1959 Technicolor hit Imitation of Life, can be seen Sept. 8-Oct. 1. A group of five actors and one actress will take on the dozen-plus characters in the original film, making for a hilarious treat. Tickets are $25, which includes a $5 bar credit. Information, 581-5812.
You didn’t miss your chance to see The Last Madam at Southern Repratory Theater. This wildly popular performance has returned to the stage, in large part because its earlier run sold out tickets and received multiple standing ovations. Starring Christine McMurdo-Wallis as Norma Wallace – a charming French Quarter madam – based on the biography of Wallace by Christine Wiltz and written by political theater master Jim Fitzmorris, this Madam will reappear Sept. 28-Oct. 22, Information, 522-6545.

One of the latest exhibitions at the New Orleans Museum of Art, “Katrina Exposed: A Community of Photographs,” pays tribute to the city’s resilience to tragedy. This gallery features a collection of shocking, haunting and heartbreaking images. Showcasing a variety of photographers and photojournalists of local, national and international residence, the exhibition will continue until Sept. 17.
Through Sept. 24, NOMA also hosts an exhibition of photographs by, and titled, “Ansel Adams.” The exhibit is arranged chronologically in seven sections with 125 photographs spanning over 50 years of Adams’ career. Featuring several rare and unpublished works, his black and white images depict natural landscapes, urban and architectural design and even intimate portraits of his friends. Admission to the New Orleans Museum of Art is free to Louisiana residents.
Illustrated catalogues for both exhibitions are available at the museum’s gift shop, or online at

Founded in 1965 (the year of Hurricane Betsy), St. Michael’s is the oldest, and one of the only special education schools, within the archdiocese of New Orleans. This year, their Blue Rose Ball will be held Sept. 23; although the school was unable to hold its annual fundraiser last Sept. – at which it normally obtains about a third of its funding – St. Michaels was still one of the first to reopen its doors after the hurricane.
Cocktails will be served at 7 p.m., followed by a gourmet dinner. Music will be performed by Bobby Cure & The Summertime Blues. Information, 524-7285.

Sept. 25 will mark the triumphant return of the New Orleans Saints to the Superdome. Their first regular-season home game against the Atlanta Falcons at 7:30 p.m. is sure to be thrilling as the Saints debut their new coach, Sean Payton, and talented new players such as Reggie Bush. The game will also be nationally televised on ESPN. Information,

On Sat., Sept. 2, Louisiana State University will take on University of Louisiana-Lafayette in its first home game at Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge. The following week, the Tigers challenge the Arizona Wildcats in a feline battle at Tiger Stadium. Information, or (225) 578-2184.
Here’s a question – What’s more of a competition: The football game occurring on the field, or the verbal (and sometimes physical) banter between passionate Tulane and LSU football fanatics? Find out in Baton Rouge on Sept. 23, when the Tigers take on the Green Wave for their annual Homecoming game. LSU’s homecoming celebration will begin at 7 p.m., but fans will be tailgating all day to prepare for one of Louisiana’s favorite competitions.
Tulane’s first home game kicks off on Sept. 30, against Southern Methodist University at the Superdome. This game will be televised by CSTV at 8 p.m. Information,, or 861-WAVE.

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