From dealing with lingering knee pain to getting your annual flu shot or watching for signs of venous disease, the body can require a great deal of maintenance and attention. While keeping up with health needs can seem an intimidating task, it doesn’t have to be. Wellness checks with your primary care physician are one of the best ways you can make sure your body is functioning as it should. Staying up to date with health news and advancements is another way to get ahead of the game.
According to the AARP, a recent Cleveland Clinic survey found that a majority of men would rather do household chores such as cleaning the bathroom than go see their doctor. This month, we encourage men of all ages to show their body the love it deserves by taking simple steps to maintain and improve good health. Additionally, they can consider showing love to others with a blood donation and, in certain cases, a COVID Convalescent Plasma donation. Saving lives starts with caring for your own.
Aesculap Biologics
If you are experiencing continued knee issues following a previous cartilage injury, you may be a good candidate for Aesculap Biologics’ Phase 3 clinical trial for NOVOCART® 3D, a tissue engineered cell-based product designed to repair articular cartilage defects of the knee.
Exciting advances in cellular research have allowed medicine to begin a new focus on regenerative medicine, which encourages the body to repair damaged or diseased tissue by recreating and integrating new tissue in the place of old tissue. Using a combination of cells and smart biomaterial devices, Aesculap Biologics’ products may stimulate and support the synthesis of new tissue and enhance the body’s own regenerative power. Through the overlap of cell and molecular biology, biomaterial and bioengineering disciplines, the vision of restoring and extending a patient’s normal, active lifestyle without the use of plastic, metal or foreign tissue parts is no longer science fiction.
To learn more and potentially join the NOVOCART® 3D clinical trial, visit
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana is devoted to its mission to improve the health and lives of Louisianians. Now more than ever, it’s important to stay on top of your healthcare, especially if you’re over 60 or have a long-term condition like diabetes or high blood pressure.
Getting your annual wellness visit is a great opportunity to talk to your primary care provider about any health concerns you may have to be sure you’re staying on track. If you’ve been putting off needed care because of COVID-19, now is the time to make your annual wellness visit a priority. You may even be able to have a virtual visit right from your home. Call your primary care provider today to make an appointment. And while you’re there, be sure to ask about getting a flu shot to help you avoid getting sick.
For more on keeping up with care, visit
The Blood Center
For a limited time, The Blood Center is screening all blood donations for COVID-19 antibodies. This free service informs the donor if they carry the COVID-19 antibody, which has been used via plasma transfusions to help critically ill patients battling the coronavirus.
Scheduled donations are required to practice social distancing and insure a safe, stable blood supply. Results post three to five days after a completed blood donation. Following donation, donors need to visit and log into My Account for their results. Donors testing positive for COVID-19 antibodies may be eligible to donate COVID Convalescent Plasma (CCP).
“We’ve seen promising results from patients who’ve received CCP, but there’s only a few recovered patients eligible to give at this time,” says Dr. Tim Peterson, Medical Director for The Blood Center. “The scarcity of donors with the COVID antibody make this test extremely beneficial to patient care.”
Testing also provides statistics to the Louisiana Department of Health about what percentage of the population was exposed to COVID-19. To schedule your blood donation and help save lives, visit or call 1-800-86-BLOOD.
Cardiovascular Institute of the South
Venous disease is a condition when the veins in the legs do not properly return blood flow back to your heart. Damaged veins cause blood to flow backwards and pool in the legs. This leads to varicose veins, which are enlarged, bulging or twisting veins.
Who is most at risk for venous disease? Venous insufficiency affects about 40 percent of people in the U.S. Women are actually up to three times more likely than men to develop venous disease due to changes in hormone levels. Standing for long periods of time can also increase the chances of vein leakage. Those who spend most of the day on their feet, or whose jobs require them to stand all day—such as teachers, hospital workers, cooks, baristas, cleaners, factory line workers, or retail workers—are more at risk for this reason.
If you think you may have venous disease, see a vein specialist at Cardiovascular Institute of the South. Call the Uptown clinic at 504-897-9686 or visit •