Sarah Zoghbi is the Director of Care for Creatives, a partnership between Southern Rep Theatre and the New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic. Zoghbi’s office is in Southern Rep’s new home on Bayou Road. The stately brick building was formerly St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church. The goal of the partnership is to offer a variety of workshops, events, and outreach activities to promote optimal mental health self-care among New Orleans’ creative community members. Mental health practitioners help participants learn resilience through a variety of enriching programs that focus on personal development, psychological education, and healing. While these programs emphasize optimal mental health, participants do not need to be mentally ill to attend: all creative professionals are welcome. In fact, Zoghbi notes that many attendees have said they have become more in touch with their creative selves after attending Care for Creatives programs. In this podcast, Zoghbi also offers an overview of the various events and programs at Southern Rep Theatre.