3540 Toulouse St. (behind the American Can apartments)
New Orleans | 504-488-1460 | www.midcitytheatre.com
This welcoming neighborhood theater is a hub of entertainment, from cabaret and comedy to drama. Discover the Bayou St. John ambience of Fred Nuccio’s creative theater.
“Mauritius” (through Oct. 12). By Theresa Rebeck. As two estranged half-sisters discover, obsession is a dangerous commodity that makes stamp collecting far riskier than one would think.
Pat Bourgeois’ “ Debauchery” (Oct. 23, Nov. 20, Dec. 11). Get soaped up with the city’s only live theater soap opera.
“6 by 6” (Nov. 13). Discover talent as it arises. Six 10-minute plays by local playwrights doing staged readings.
“The Golden Girls” (Dec. 27-Jan. 12). The latest wacky take-off from Varla Jean Merman and “Re-designing Women” co-stars Ricky Graham, Brian Peterson and Jack Long. Come laugh and sing along.