Machi Medrzycki, director of sales and marketing for MLM Incorporated, a company that offers historic, residential and commercial renovation projects throughout the New Orleans area, believes when he moved to New Orleans, the people he met and the construction projects he worked on made him who he is today.
“I’m fortunate enough to live in the historic city of New Orleans,” he says. “Working on old buildings only makes it that much better!”
When he was a young child he wanted to be a policeman, fireman or businessman, but never thought about being a contractor. Eventually he began listening to a gut feeling.
“I always had a drive for construction starting with LEGO creations as a kid,” he says. “Now I get to work with people, manage them and see things come together. It’s not easy, but the final destination of construction is the best part of my work.”
He believes the main strengths he brings to his job are his management skills, his ability to see the big picture and negotiating.
When asked what he would do if he ruled the world, he answered thoughtfully.
“I believe in people,” he says. “I’d be terrible at ruling the world. I’d give people too much of freedom and decision making.”
MLM’s mission seems to reflect those sentiments: “We believe we are partners in your business.”
3500 N Causeway Blvd. Ste. 160 | 322-7050 |