I am fortunate that walks around my neighborhood these days come with socially distanced visits with neighbors as well as weekly music played by extremely talented musicians – from their porches, of course. My son recently turned 3, which means that our walks tend to be at his pace now.
This slower ambling means that I can take more time to notice which plants are blooming and, recently, the addition a number of plaques describing the histories of significant buildings as well as the events and people involved. As of May 25, 35 new markers have been installed through a multifaceted program created by the Garden District Association. According to Profiles in Preservation Project Chairman Andrea St. Paul Bland, each subscribing homeowner receives their detailed history in a bound personal book with professional photographs and, even more impressively, in 2021, the Garden District Association will create and publish a book including about 100 homes and historic structures with individual histories and photographs. For more information visit GardenDistrictAssociation.com.
The “Diliberto Law Firm Leukemia Cup Regatta” is Saturday, October 3, at the Southern Yacht Club. You still have time to form a team to help raise money for life saving research and treatment of blood cancers! Contact Adam Eversole by emailing adam.eversole@lls.org or call 758-3210 to get involved today!
The 20th anniversary American Cancer Society “Belles and Beaus Ball,” is going virtual! The “Belles and Beaus Virtual Experience” will take place online Friday, October 2. Ball Chairs Stacy Guest and Jessica Schulman promise a program filled with inspiring messages, entertainment and more – all to help underwrite one year of operations at the Patrick F. Taylor Hope Lodge in New Orleans – an amazing place that provides not only a free home away from home for cancer patients and their caregivers, but also a nurturing community. Visit BellesAndBeausBall.com or email BellesAndBeausNola@cancer.org to learn more and donate today.
Enjoy the end of summer, wash your hands and keep your mask on!
Morgan Packard Griffith
Editor’s Note: “St. Charles Avenue’s Registry of Charitable Events: September-December 2020” will run in our upcoming issue. If you have a nonprofit event during that time and you haven’t filled out our online form, please do it ASAP: MyNewOrleans.com/submit-a-charitable-event/. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email Editor Morgan Packard Griffith directly: Morgan@MyNewOrleans.com.
*Calendar confirmed as of July 15. Please confirm directly with the nonprofit before making plans.
Various dates in August-September “Wine Dinners,” benefiting New Orleans Wine & Food Experience, NOWFE.com
14 “Generation House Party – Next Generation’s Brand New Virtual Event,” benefiting Next Generation Ministries,