Morgan's Note

When I was growing up, September meant school, falling leaves and the start of cooler weather. These days the cooler weather seems to take longer to arrive, but in the meantime school is in session and stores are filling up with boots and sweaters.

Look to our What’s Hot for Home Furnishings for small updates – a settee or a tray can change a whole room – while our feature on kitchen and bath trends highlights seven local experts with advice on the latest high-tech kitchen gadget to geometrically shaped air tubs for when you need a larger change.

Our annual Fashionable New Orleanians feature is a perennial favorite for me! This year introduces six locals whose inner style – their dedication to giving back to their community – is reflected in how they dress.

Also in this issue is our “Registry of Charitable Events: September-December 2016.” If you have a nonprofit event during that time and you don’t see it listed, please go online and fill out our events form: If you have any issues, please feel free to email me directly at Our next “Registry” will be January-April 2017 and we’re starting to put it together now! If you have an event during that time, please fill out our form now! The deadline for that will be Thursday, December 1, 2016.

St. Charles Avenue will be beginning to discuss our 2017 covers in November. If you have an event you feel needs to appear on one of our covers, there are a few things you should know: Before we can consider your event, we must have received a Charitable Event form for your event. Our policy is not to cover the same event within three years and to not have the same person on a cover within a year and a half – though we reserve the right to change our minds. If you have fulfilled all of the above, then please email me with why you want your event on one of our covers and any details you have that are relevant.

I hope that as the weather begins to cool a bit you find a fabulous outdoor table at your favorite restaurant or coffee shop and enjoy this issue!

Morgan's Note

Morgan Packard




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