A fresh look for a new year, we hope that you enjoy St. Charles Avenue’s updated layout! Art Director Sarah George has crafted a new appearance that’s clean, classy and classic all at once. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
The start of a new year also brings thoughts of resolutions, and many of those tend to be focused on making ourselves fitter, healthier and happier. To that end, we bring you a feature on how to achieve those results using the tips, tricks and products of eight local experts.
Maybe because of those resolutions, we’re living longer. Because of that, many of us will have to help our parents as they age. Our second feature lays out local options and helps to guide your steps along the way.
This issue also includes our annual Registry of Charitable Events for January through April. Please look to these events to see what you want to attend, which nonprofits you want to support and what dates are already very busy – before you set a date for your fundraiser! If you don’t see your event here, or you’d like to add your date to our monthly rolling calendars, please visit MyNewOrleans.com/CharitableEvent and fill out the form you find there for each fundraiser you’d like to see listed. We also use these forms to decide coverage, so fill it out today!
Personally, I always get antsy as one year rolls into the next. As I look back at what I’ve accomplished as well as my failures, at the wonderful moments I’ve had with friends and family and the losses we’ve all suffered, at the moments I’ve felt most secure and confident within myself and at the ones where I questioned my every choice, sometimes I wonder what horrors await. And then, well, then I share a laugh with my co-workers, a hug with my friends and a kiss from my husband and those worries dissipate like smoke.
I hope that as you make your resolutions and celebrate Carnival, you take a moment to look around you, count your blessings and see this life for the happy miracle it is!
Happy Mardi Gras!
Morgan Packard