NEW ORLEANS (press release) – Les Dames d’Escoffier International (LDEI) – New Orleans Chapter is excited to introduce a virtual monthly culinary book club, available free of charge to foodies who are interested in discussing food-related fiction and nonfiction. Under the new virtual format, the club will meet on Saturday, Sept.19, 9 a.m. PST/11 a.m. CST/NOON EST. Registration is required in advance and a Zoom link will be emailed to participants the day prior.
The club will welcome renowned pastry chef Lisa Donovan, author of Our Lady of Perpetual Hunger. Noted chef and James Beard Award-winning essayist Lisa Donovan helped establish some of the South’s most important kitchens, and her pastry work is at the forefront of a resurgence in traditional desserts. Yet Donovan struggled to make a living in an industry where male chefs built successful careers on the stories, recipes, and culinary heritage passed down from generations of female cooks and cooks of color. At one of her career peaks, she made the perfect dessert at a celebration for food-world goddess Diana Kennedy. When Kennedy asked why she had not heard of her, Donovan said she did not know. “I do,” Kennedy said, “Stop letting men tell your story.”
Registration is required and available at
Saturday, Oct. 17: At the Table with an American Original AND The Taste of Country Cooking by Edna Lewis
Saturday, Nov. 21: History of American Cuisine by Paul Friedman
For details on the Culinary Book Club, please visit LDEI Book Club