Krewe de Pink is a 100% volunteer-run 501(c)3 organization that produces three fundraising events per year: the Pink Bra Run, the Krewe de Pink Prom and the Death by Chocolate (Not By Breast Cancer) event honoring Six Sweet Survivors each year. Due to COVID-19, the 2020 Pink Bra Run was cancelled. Please consider donating the cost of a ticket to the run ($30) or the cost of a team of 4 ($100) to offset this loss.
Save the Date: Krewe de Pink Prom October 3 at the Jung Hotel!
Mission: Krewe de Pink is a team of concerned and passionate volunteers that raise funds for Tulane Cancer Center Breast Cancer Research. Dedicated to producing events with New Orleans flair, their participants will experience an event like no other.
Paid for by Dawn Arevalo