4 American Cancer Society Honoree Ball, benefiting American Cancer Society, ACSHonoreeBall.com
4 Celebrating The Kohlmaier Legacy!, benefiting Louisiana Museum Foundation, 504-558-0493; TheLMF.org
5–21 32nd annual New Orleans Film Festival, benefiting New Orleans Film Society, 504-309-6633, NewOrleansFilmFestival.org
5 Gala Celebration, benefiting Jefferson Community Foundation, 504-264-1237, JeffersonCommunity.org
6 CHAIRish the Children, benefiting Louisiana Children’s Museum, 504-266-2421, LCM.org/2021-chairish-the-children
6 New Orleans Jazz Orchestra’s Big Beat Gala hosted by Big Freedia, benefiting New Orleans Jazz Market, 504-371-5849, @NOJazzMarket
7 Ninth annual Moonlight and Miracles, benefiting Ochsner Health, Ochsner.org/moonlight
7 NOCTURNE XVIII, benefiting Musical Arts Society of New Orleans, 504-899-4826, MASNO.org
8 Gleason Golf Classic, benefiting Team Gleason Foundation, 504-453-7102, TeamGleason.org
8 Curtain Call Ball, benefiting Le Petit Théâtre, 504-522-2081, LePetitTheatre.com
10 One Night Only, benefiting YLC / WATS, YLCWATS.com
11 Judah Touro Society Award Reception, benefiting Touro Infirmary Foundation, 504-897-8435, Touro.com/jts
11 25th annual Prayer Breakfast, benefiting University of Holy Cross, 504-398-2206, bit.ly/UHCPrayerBreakfast
12–13 Supernova, benefiting Friends of Lafitte Greenway, LafitteGreenway.org/supernova
12 Odyssey Ball 2021 presented by First Horizon, benefiting New Orleans Museum of Art, 504-658-4121, NOMA.org/event/odyssey2021
12 Victory Ball: Celebrating Those Who Serve presented by Ray and Jessica Brandt Family Foundation, benefiting The National WWII Museum, 504-528-1944 extension 508, Victory-ball.org/home
12 Signature Chefs Auction, benefiting March of Dimes, SignatureChefs.org/NewOrleans2021
12 Zoo-To-Do for Kids presented by Children’s Hospital New Orleans, benefiting Audubon Nature Institute, KidsZooToDo.org
13 March for Recovery, benefiting Bridge House / Grace House, 504-821-7134, BridgeHouse.org/events/march-for-recovery
14 New Orleans Kidney Walk, benefiting National Kidney Foundation of Louisiana, 504-861-4500, KidneyLA.org/kidney-walk, Facebook.com/NKFLA
14 Boys Hope Girls Hope Golden Gala, benefiting Boys Hope Girls Hope, 504-484-7744, BHGHNola.org
18 Historic Houses Society Gala, benefiting Hermann-Grima + Gallier Historic Houses, 504-274-0744, HGGHH.org
18 10th anniversary Sleep Out, benefiting Covenant House, 504-584-1141, NewOrleans.SleepOut.org
19 Just Say YAYA, benefiting YAYA (Young Aspirations Young Artists), 504-529-3306, YAYAINC.org
19 WYES Worlds of Hemingway Gala Auction 2021 presented by the Oscar J. Tolmas Charitable Trust, benefiting WYES-TV, 504-486-5511, WYES.org/events
30 Stake Out for Justice Patron Party, benefiting New Orleans Police and Justice Foundation, 504-236-5630, NOPJF.org
November 30-December 3 Closet Tours, benefiting Dress for Success New Orleans, 504-891-4337, bidpal.net/closettours