Owners, Satsuma Café & Pulp & Grind
Besides managing Satsuma Café and Pulp & Grind, Cassi and Peter Dymond are raising their daughter, Louisa, and often looking for the perfect spot for a new café location downtown. They have both spent most of their lives in and around the restaurant industry and feel that “it is something that is deeply rooted,” in both of them. They love interacting with their regulars and participating in the local community through both of their businesses.
Recently, they have focused a lot of detail and attention on their newest venture, Pulp & Grind, in the Central Business District. “It’s a completely different brand than Satsuma, and we have had to build a company from scratch again.” With both of their businesses they make sure to create a positive work environment, and believe it to be the greatest driving force in a restaurant environment and the greatest personal accomplishment for Satsuma Café and Pulp &Grind. Their long time goal is the expansion of the brands that they have created, but they’re in no rush. They prefer the “slow and steady” approach, which is why they’ve been patient with their goal to expand to a third location downtown.