Experiment with color this season by brightening your space with low-maintenance potted plants. Whether your green thumb takes you indoors or out these pots will make sure everything’s coming up roses.
1. The hammered look on this bluish-black
pearl-metallic planter hits the nail on the head
for chic outdoor style. You’ll find multiple
sizes available at All Seasons Nursery,
2974 Johnston St., Lafayette.
2 & 4. These tall, blue and yellow crackle
effect cylindrical pots pair perfectly with
tillandsias. Pick up a couple at
The Garden Center (open seasonally),
1826 W. Pinhook Rd. Lafayette.
3. Rustic and minimalist style come
together nicely in this small white and
beige pot from Paul Michael Co.,
1800 Kaliste Saloom Rd., Lafayette.
2 & 4. These tall, blue and yellow
crackle effect cylindrical pots pair perfectly
with tillandsias. Pick up a couple at
The Garden Center (open seasonally),
1826 W. Pinhook Rd. Lafayette.
5. Diversify your color palette with
a monochromatic look by pairing a
succulent with this charming teal pot
from The Garden Center.
6. Keep things looking cool with
a crosshatched pale mint pot
from All Seasons Nursery.