Hi, I’m Georgia. You maybe hear about me in a lot of my mom’s stories. Today, I am helping her write from my own point of view. So listen up.
From my point of view, going away to sleep away camp, I know my mom has already sent one of her kids to sleep away camp for multiple years, but I know she is still a little bit nervous to send me for the first time. I bet she is going through the five stages of grief except it’s more like the 100 stages of grief because she is feeling about 100 different feelings but I bet she is going to miss me but is really ready for some alone time. (Ed. note: I so am!)
I am a bit worried too. It’s hard sleeping away from your parents for more than a day. I think so anyway. But I don’t know. Because I have never slept away from them for more than a day. I will be gone for four days to Wiggins, Mississippi, at Live Oak Camp. I am excited but also scared. Can I even bring ramen? Just kidding. I know I can’t. But I wish I could.
My sister’s boyfriend is a counselor there, and I will see him so I will have a familiar face, but it still will be scary because I have never been to a sleep away camp before in my life. We also will be in the forest, which is even scarier because what if a bear comes along and attacks us? Spooky! Also people get murdered in forests. Not often. Murders don’t really happen often. But when they do happen, I feel like they happen in forests. Even though I am so scared, I am also really really excited to go swimming, to be with my friends, to make new friends, and to have a schedule overall. I have been bored this summer so far. I am looking forward to not being bored. (To see my schedule, go here.)
Even though we will be in the middle of the forest and the forest scares me, I hope I get to see foxes, butterflies, deer, bees, multiple types of fish, and maybe even bobcats if we’re lucky.
Today, I had to go to the doctor to get a meningitis shot because my mom is very superstitious and scared about meningitis because she had a friend in college who had it and got really sick and almost died. I’m very glad but annoyed that my mom made me get this shot. Also I got to go shopping afterward and get Squishmallows and some clothes for camp, so it’s OK. And later this month, when it gets closer to camp, my mom said I can go to Bath & Body Works and I can pick out some body wash scents and she will buy them for me because she is a kindhearted soul. I will probably get one of the packs with shampoo, conditioner, 3-in-1 bath gel (which acts for hair, face, and body), lotion, and a tiny thing of perfume.
They have peanut butter at camp. I know they have peanut butter. My friend who went told me they have peanut butter. I bet they have bananas. And they’re in the wilderness, so I am sure they have honey. So I just have to hope they have Nutella. Then I can have my favorite sandwich, which is peanut butter, Nutella, honey, and banana. I don’t know what food they have. It’s all a surprise.
Oh! I just saw a car being towed on my street!
OK, back to camp, I am really really excited for art class and all sorts of things, but I am not excited about waking up early or taking 5 minute showers or not watching YouTube.
So now I am going to go watch YouTube while I still can. OK, byeeeeee.