Preparing Your Home for Summer Guests

Summer is filled with travel, and sometimes it’s not your own. While not as stressful as hosting holiday guests, prepping your home for summer visitors can be arduous.  I am not an expert hostess, but I was raised by one, which can dig up a dormant version inside of me when the time comes. Taking a page from my mother (and other great hostesses I know) I keep these general pillars of comfort in mind while prepping for guests’ arrivals – information, comfort, cravings and entertainment (ICCE for short). Remember these pillars in mind, and they will serve you well.   


1. Printed Information (include a Wifi password, TV directions andist of things in walking distance (drug stores, coffee shops. Etc.).  

Save yourself time by keeping basic information and technology readily available to your guests. It sounds like overkill, but it helps guests feel less like a nuisance. You can print everything on one page, frame and keep stowed away for the next guests.  

2. Charging Crystal, Little Miss Muffin or Multi Device Charger, Courant 

You’ve got to stay connected. Keep a cute single or multi-use charger in a conspicuous place in the guest room.   


  1. LED Table Lamp, Judy  

Keep a small light next to the bed for reading and/or finding your way to and from the bathroom at night. 

Preparing Your Home for Summer Guests
  1. Heatless, Waterless Diffusers, Judy and Scented Drawer Liner, Maisonette 

It goes without saying that you will want the guest room to smell nice. In addition to fresh flowers, try a scent diffuser with a mild, natural scent that won’t irritate the senses. 

  1. Soft Bath Towels, Sotre 

I am certainly delinquent in regularly replacing my own towels, but I try and keep at least a few newer, softer towels for guests.  

Preparing Your Home for Summer Guests
  1. Quality Down and Down Alternative Pillows, Maisonette Shop 

Pillows can make or break your sleep, so don’t skimp on quality for guests. It’s ideal to keep both down and down alternative varieties in your guest room – just in case!  


Avoid awkward moments with guests you may not know very well by keeping simple games/puzzles and books in common areas. 

  1. Puzzle, Ogden Museum Store 
  1. Interesting Coffee Table and Trivia Books, Octavia Books  


Even if you don’t snack often or drink coffee, odds are your guest does. Make sure you have food and drinks visible so your guests don’t feel rude asking.  

  1. Kitchen Tabletop Basket Filled with Snacks, Sunday Shop 

I can’t tell you how many times I have arrived somewhere in between meals and desperately needed a snack! 

  1. Make Ahead Granola to Keep in a Glass Jar 

Great for breakfast if your guests wake up before you or for a snack anytime. Keep on the counter flanked by small cereal bowls. 

  1. Locally Owned Grounds from Mojo with Traditional Machine or & Single Serve Coffee Maker from Keurig 

We have fantastic coffee options in New Orleans. You can show that off by providing grounds sourced by local shops.  

Preparing Your Home for Summer Guests

Event & Sales Picks: 

Ongoing: 75% off Sale, Pied Nu  

June 27: Glow & Go Event, Earthsavers 

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