Renaissance Publishing

Renaissance Publishing

The leader in local and niche publications in the New Orleans area, Renaissance Publishing’s winning streak is the result of a company-wide commitment to storytelling across every medium.

With several print publications including New Orleans Magazine, Biz New Orleans, Louisiana Life and Acadiana Profile, and with digital properties including and, Renaissance both celebrates and reflects the many facets of Louisiana’s rich culture. Every day, their stories are delivered to thousands of readers who have come to trust and rely on Renaissance’s expert combination of insightful writing, striking visuals and dynamic video.

For any publishing company in today’s digitally dominated climate, innovation is key, and Renaissance continues to find new and engaging ways to connect with its growing audience. Their ever-expanding catalogue of in-house and custom publications is a testament to this dedication, and no matter what they do next, Renaissance Publishing will continue to sharpen the cutting edge.



New Orleans Magazine  Press Club of New Orleans Best Magazine + 8 additional awards
Acadiana Profile  IRMA Magazine of the Year + 10 additional awards
Louisiana Life  IRMA Magazine of the Year + 8 additional awards
Press Club of New Orleans, Two First Place and one Third Place
Biz New Orleans Two Gold AABP Awards  + 11 additional awards
Digital, Custom and Social Media + 19 additional awards



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